
“The black seed can heal every disease, except death”.

Prophet Muhammad SAWS

The most complete multi-vitamin and mineral supplement known to mankind.

Restore Your Energy, Decrease Inflammation, & Boost Your Immune System

With a single dose of our TQ Black Seed Oil per day.


And Revolutionise Your Health


Pure, Undiluted Black Seed oil is hard to come by....

If you’ve been in the natural health space, then that’s not news to you.

You’ve probably had a few run-ins with this nutrient-dense, vitamin-filled oil, and those experiences haven’t been great…

Most of the marketplace relies on concentrates that they dilute with toxic filler chemicals that cancel out, or undo all the good that Black Seed Oil does for your body.

Even if they don’t use fillers that give your Black Seed oil a horribly bitter taste and irritating texture, they rely on farms that mass produce the Nigella Sativa plant (the source of your Black seed oil) using inorganic fertilisers and pesticides…

By the time your Black Seed Oil arrives at your doorstep, it’s nothing close to natural, or even healthy. Which is why we’ve gone to great lengths to source our TQ rich Black Seed Oil..


And Revolutionise Your Health